
Gazolin Ticket To Ride 2016-05-15
Lilly was a very active puppy, she was the family clown
and energy ball. She was also a true expert in escaping
from the yard and run around in the village. She gave us
all a lot of grey hairs! After her first litter Lilly
finally calmed down and is now a very easy girl. Lilly has
had two litters and is now retired from breeding. Lilly
has been a amazing broadbitch for our kennel. We have kept
Sia (Tassimore Danceline) and Mary (Tassimore Peach
Blossom) from her first litter, and Lovis (Tassimore
Avalanche) and Leia (Tassimore Love Affair) from her
second litter at home.
- Best Bitch-3 and BIS- Junior at Swedish whippetclub
show in Ronneby
- BOB with CC and BIS-4 at Swedish Sighthoundclub show
in Hässleholm
- BOS with CC at Swedish Sighthoundclub show in Lund

Lilly 8 weeks
Lilly 5 weeks
Lilly 8 weeks
Lilly 8 weeks
Lilly 10 weeks
Lilly 4 months
Lilly 4 months
Lilly 1 year
Lilly 1 year
Lilly 1 1/2 year
Lilly 3 year
Lilly 3 year
Lilly 3 year
Lilly 4 year