DK Junior Champion Betty Barkley Night And Day 2012-03-13
Hobbe is a son from Leos first litter. He arrived from
Germany in the beginning of June 2012. He and My grew up
together and has always had a very strong bond. Hobbe
sired three litters. He was neutered in 2017 when his
halv-sister Ila moved into our home.
- BIS-baby at SW Ronneby
- BOB-baby at DKK Århus
- BOS-puppy at DKK Vejen
- BOS-puppy at DKK Vejen
- BOS-puppy at Danish Sighthoundclub show Gilleleje
- BOS-puppy at Danish Sighthoundclub show Års
- BOS-puppy at DKK Herning
- BOS-puppy at DKK Herning
- #1 in Juniorclass and BOS-Junior at SvVK Ljungbyhed
- #1 in Juniorclass with CQ at SKK Hässleholm
- BOS with CAC, BOB & BIS Junior with Junior CAC at
Danish Sighthoundclub show Hasmark
- Best Dog-3 with R-CAC, BOS Junior with Junior CAC at
Danish Sighthoundclub show Hasmark
- #2 in Intermediateclass with CQ at SKK Tvååker
- #2 in Intermediateclass with CQ at SvVK Tammsvik
(Skokloster Summer Show)
- Best Dog-4, BOB & BIS Junior at SW Ronneby
- Best Dog-4 at Danish Sighthoundclub show Roskilde
- #1 in Intermediateclass with CQ at SKK Sofiero
- #1 in Intermediateclass with CQ and BOS Intermediate
at SvVK Laröd
Hobbe is retired from shows. He was neutered in 2017.
Hobbe sired his first litter at Kennel Dog Power's. 7
(4+1) puppies were born in the beginning of July 2014 out
of Dog Power's Chardonnay.
More pictures of Hobbe
Hobbe 5,5 weeks
Photo: Birte Nöding
Hobbe 6,5 weeks
Photo: Birte Nöding
Hobbe 3,5 months
Hobbe 4 months
Hobbe 4 months
Hobbe 5 months
Hobbe 5 months
Hobbe 15 months
Hobbe 15 months
Hobbe 2 years

Hobbe 2 years
Hobbe 7 years