About me

My name is Jenny and I was born 1975. I grew up with my family in a small village outside Malmö. We had all kinds of animals in the house and I also had my own horse Piledals Classy Lady, for quite many years. But we never had a dog. Every Christmas and Birthday I would ask for a dog, and every year I would get disapponted. When I was 18 years old I moved in with my boyfriend. When he grew up his family had a dog (New Foundland) so he was very keen on getting a dog. I started to look for a suitable breed that would fit our lifestyle. We lived in a small apartment in Malmö city so it had to be small, but not too small and not too much coat. I was never found of grooming.
After reading a lot of different books about dogbreeds my choice was a Whippet. But how to find a good kennel? Well this was before internet, so I was searching in the newspapers and found a kennel just couple of miles away. I phoned the breeder and she told me that her kennelpartner had a avaliable male. It was love at first sight and in May 1997 my first whippet Equus Farbror Folke Fänkål moved in. He was the sweetest dog you could ever have and from that day I knew that whippet was the right breed for me. The years passed and Fennis was followed by a number of males, until 2012 when the first bitch Whiptails Ice Is Nice, came into the house. She became the start of my own breeding. During the years I have tried a lot of activitys with my dogs, but they are first of all loving family members. |